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Press Releases2025-1-26River project vitalises urban habitat
Publication2025-1-21InvestHK – The Heart of Business (An article featuring Kowloon East Core Business District)
Publication2025-1-14Kowloon East Promotion Pamphlet
Legislative Council Matters2024-12-17Administration's paper to Legislative Council House Committee's Subcommittee on Policy Issues Relating to Strengthening and Promoting the Development of Kowloon East as the Second Core Business District on "Waterfront Development in Kowloon East"
Press Releases2024-12-12Tsui Ping River facilities opened
EKEO Activities2024-11-10Seminar on Sustainable and High-quality Development in Kowloon East
Award Winning Projects2024-11-6Lam Wah Street Playground received 2024 HKIA Award of Hong Kong - Public Space / Civic / Communal Building
Promotional Videos2024-11-5Kowloon East Citywalk
EKEO Activities2024-10-31PAC-MAN Halloween Trick-or-Treat at Kowloon East
Legislative Council Matters2024-10-7Administration's paper to Legislative Council House Committee's Subcommittee on Policy Issues Relating to Strengthening and Promoting the Development of Kowloon East as the Second Core Business District on “The transport facilities at sea and on land for the Second Core Business District in Kowloon East”
Legislative Council Matters2024-9-23LegCo Subcommittee on Policy Issues Relating to Strengthening and Promoting the Development of Kowloon East as the Second Central Business District visits core infrastructure facilities in Kowloon East
Legislative Council Matters2024-9-4Administration's paper to Legislative Council House Committee's Subcommittee on Policy Issues Relating to Strengthening and Promoting the Development of Kowloon East as the Second Core Business District on “Review of the implementation of the policy measures for promoting the development of Kowloon East as the Second Core Business District”
Award Winning Projects2024-08-07Hong Kong Institute of Planners Awards 2023 – Honourable Mention - Promoting Street Transformation and Enhancing Walkability (Green Spine “GO2” Link)
Legislative Council Matters2024-5-29Legislative Council Question 1: Convention and exhibition venues in Kowloon East
Legislative Council Matters2024-05-08Legislative Council Question 19: Developing Kowloon East
EKEO Activities2024-4-13Harbour Energizer
Award Winning Projects2023-12-8"Walking Assistant" function in MyKE Mobile App won the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards 2023 – TECHNOLOGY (Business Data Analytics of the Year)
Award Winning Projects2023-12The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management Hong Kong 2023 Innovation Awards – Grand Award
Award Winning Projects2023-11-3"Walking Assistant" function in MyKE Mobile App won the Smart Mobility (Smart Transport) Gold Award in Hong Kong ICT Awards 2023
Award Winning Projects2023-11The Hong Kong Green Awards 2023 – Gold Award
Legislative Council Matters2023-11-1Legislative Council Question 4: Bringing vibrancy to Kwun Tong waterfront
Press Releases2023-08-05Design competition for open space at Choi Hung Road Playground concludes (with photos)
Promotional Videos2023-08-05Design Competition for Redevelopment of Open Space at Choi Hung Road Playground Award Presentation
Legislative Council Matters2023-7-5Legislative Council Question 2: Developing Kowloon East
EKEO Activities2023-06-17Seminar on Development Prospects of Kowloon East
Promotional Videos2023-6-9City Dress-up: Lift Up Kowloon East
Award Winning Projects2023-05The 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva – Bronze Medal
Blogs2023-1-22Celebrating Chinese New Year with “New Look” on Kwun Tong Promenade
Press Releases2022-12-8Wall Murals Unveiling cum Award Presentation Ceremony of "City Dress-up Design Competition - Flyover Fantasy Re-Run"
Publication2022-6-2910th Anniversary of Energizing Kowloon East
Press Releases2022-04-29CE visits Kwun Tong to understand latest developments of Energizing Kowloon East
Promotional Videos2022-2-10Energizing Kowloon East - Hong Kong's CBD2
Promotional Videos2022-2-10齊來 九龍東 (Official Music Video) (Chinese only)
Publication2022-1-24Conceptual Master Plan 6.0
Blogs2022-1-16Leisure space at Kowloon East Business Area
Promotional Videos2022-1-16Leisure space at Kowloon East Business Area
Award Winning Projects2022-1-12International Design Awards – IDA Honorable Mention (Hoi Bun Road Park)
Award Winning Projects2021-11-18Hoi Bun Road Park won The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects Professional Awards 2021
Award Winning Projects2021-11-18Kai Tak Development – Stage 4 Infrastructure at the Former Runway and South Apron won Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design – Urban Design Awards 2021
Promotional Videos2021-10-12Kerbside Loading/Unloading Bay Monitoring System Proof-of-concept
Promotional Videos2021-05-20Illegal Parking Monitoring System Proof of Concept Trial
Promotional Videos2020-12-30Energy Efficiency Data System Proof of Concept Trial
Blogs2020-12-13Experience sharing on Energizing Kowloon East
Promotional Videos2020-03-20Fly the Flyover 02 & 03
Award Winning Projects2019-11"Fly the Flyover 02 and 03" beneath Kwun Tong Bypass won Building Surveyors Awards 2019 - Value Enhancement Award and Merit New Development Category
Award Winning Projects2019-11"Fly the Flyover 02 and 03" beneath Kwun Tong Bypass won Good Design Award 2019
Award Winning Projects2019-11"Fly the Flyover 02 and 03" beneath Kwun Tong Bypass won 2019 Asian Townscape Award
Award Winning Projects2019-11Kwun Tong Action Area – A Vibrant and Sustainable Commercial Hub won Hong Kong Institute of Planners Awards 2019 – Certificate of Merits
Award Winning Projects2019-11Revitalization of Tsui Ping River won HKIUD Urban Design Awards 2019 – Merit
Speeches and Presentations2019-09-20Speech by Deputy Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office at the Social Enterprise Summit 2019
Legislative Council Matters2019-06-19Legislative Council Question 19: Projects to improve pedestrian and traffic networks in Kowloon East
Publication2019-04Guidelines for Co-using Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter
Press Releases2019-03-26Industrial culture-themed InPARK opens
Press Releases2019-03-01Tsui Ping River Garden fully opened
Speeches and Presentations2019-02-23Public Forum of Stage 2 Public Engagement for "Feasibility Study for Developing Kowloon East into a Smart City District"
Speeches and Presentations2019-01-12Public Forum of Public Engagement for "San Po Kong Business Area Pedestrian Environment and Traffic Improvement - Feasibility Study"
Speeches and Presentations2019-01-05Speech by Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office at the Smart City @Kowloon East Symposium
Speeches and Presentations2019-01-05Presentation by Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office at the Smart City @Kowloon East Symposium
Promotional Videos2019-01-05Smart City @Kowloon East
Publication2019-01Stage 2 Public Engagement Digest for the Feasibility Study for Developing Kowloon East into a Smart City District
Award Winning Projects2018-11"Fly the Flyover 02 and 03" beneath Kwun Tong Bypass won DFA Design for Asia Awards 2018 – Bronze Award
Award Winning Projects2018-11"Fly the Flyover 02 and 03" beneath Kwun Tong Bypass won RICS Awards Hong Kong 2018 – Certificate of Excellence (Project Management Team of the Year)
Publication2018-11Public Engagement Digest for the San Po Kong Business Area Pedestrian Environment and Traffic Improvement - Feasibility Study
Speeches and Presentations2018-10-11Presentation by Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office at the Hong Kong Kwun Tong Industries and Commerce Association's Seminar on Re-industrialization
Speeches and Presentations2018-09-28Speech by Deputy Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office at the Social Enterprise Summit 2018@Community - SE Lab
Promotional Videos2018-07-17Second wind for retired plane
Press Releases2018-07-17Public exhibition of Jetstream 41 fixed-wing aircraft commences at Kai Tak Runway Park
Promotional Videos2018-03-30Fly the Flyover Operation
Promotional Videos2018-03-25Smart Crowd Management System Proof of Concept Trial
Speeches and Presentations2017-12-16Presentation by Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office at the symposium "Future Cities, City Futures: Hong Kong and the World"
Legislative Council Matters2017-12-13Legislative Council Question 5: Construction of footbridges and pedestrian subways in Kowloon East
Award Winning Projects2017-11"Energizing Hoi Bun Road" won Hong Kong Institutes of Planners Awards 2017 – Certificate of Merits
Award Winning Projects2017-11Kwun Tong Promenade Stage 2 won International Union of Architects (UIA) Friendly and Inclusive Spaces Awards 2017
Award Winning Projects2017-11Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Sau Nan Primary School won HKIA Cross-Strait Architectural Design Awards 2017
Award Winning Projects2017-11Trade and Industry Tower won The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) HK Awards 2017 - Sustainability Achievement of the Year
Award Winning Projects2017-11Trade and Industry Tower won HKIA Cross-Strait Architectural Design Awards 2017
Promotional Videos2017-09-20City Dress-up Public Art Competition 'Flyover Fantasy'
Blogs2017-09-17Enhancing the harbourfront and putting the spaces to good use for public enjoyment
Promotional Videos2017-09-16Secretary for Development Fly the Flyover
Press Releases2017-09-16Fly the Flyover 02 and 03 open to public
Blogs2017-07-02Revitalization of Tsui Ping River – breathing new life into our flood prevention facilities
Press Releases2017-06-09Opening remarks by SDEV at opening ceremony of Climate Change and My Smart City Experience Centre of CIC Zero Carbon Building
Legislative Council Matters2017-06-07Legislative Council Question 17: Projects implemented by Energizing Kowloon East Office to improve pedestrian and traffic networks
Blogs2017-05-14Smart City, Smart Hong Kong
Speeches and Presentations2016-12-15Presentation by Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office at a luncheon with the Hong Kong Institute of Real Estate Administrators
Speeches and Presentations2016-11-29Presentation by Chief Secretary for Administration at the MIPIM Asia Property Leaders Summit 2016
Press Releases2016-11-07Stage 1 Public Engagement for Kowloon East smart city study launched
Award Winning Projects2016-11Kwun Tong Promenade Stage 2 won RICS Awards, Hong Kong 2016 – Winner of Construction Project Team of the Year RICS
Publication2016-11Stage 1 Public Engagement Digest for the Feasibility Study for Developing Kowloon East into a Smart City District
Publication2016-11Energizing Kowloon East 2012 - 2016+
Publication2016-11Conceptual Master Plan 5.0
Publication2016-11Advocacy Statement of Developing Kowloon East into a Smart City District
Promotional Videos2016-10-03Energizing Kowloon East: Smart City
Promotional Videos2016-10-03Energizing Kowloon East: Environment Improvement
Promotional Videos2016-10-03Energizing Kowloon East: New Look and Public Engagement
Publication2016-10Stage 3 Public Engagement Digest for the Pedestrian Environment Improvement Scheme for Transformation of Kwun Tong Business Area
Speeches and Presentations2016-05-19Presentation by Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office at the Walk21HK Public Forum: Connecting People to Water
EKEO Activities2016-05-19Walk21HK Public Forum
Legislative Council Matters2016-04-20Legislative Council Question 20: Kwun Tong Ferry Pier Waterfront Development under the Energizing Kowloon East initiatives
Speeches and Presentations2016-03-25Presentation by Deputy Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office at the Art Basel Hong Kong 2016
Speeches and Presentations2016-02-18Briefing Session on Facilitating Provision of Pedestrian Links by the Private Sector
Legislative Council Matters2016-02-17Legislative Council Question 4: Operation of facilities at sites under Kwun Tong Bypass
Award Winning Projects2015-11Exhibition Pavilion, Tsun Yip Street Playground Phase 1 won Good Design Award 2015
Award Winning Projects2015-11Energizing Kowloon East Office won Building Surveyor Awards 2015 - New Building Works - Merit
Award Winning Projects2015-11Kwun Tong Promenade Stage 2 won Good Design Award 2015
Award Winning Projects2015-11Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Sau Nan Primary School won HKIA Annual Awards 2015 - HKIA Merit Award of Hong Kong - Community Building
Award Winning Projects2015-11The Spirit of Creation won Hong Kong Institutes of Planners Awards 2015 – Silver Award
Award Winning Projects2015-11Urban Restructuring around “Tsui Ping River” won Hong Kong Institutes of Planners Awards 2015 – Certificate of Merit
Speeches and Presentations2015-10-29Presentation by Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office at the WorldGBC Congress 2015 Hong Kong
Speeches and Presentations2015-10-26Briefing Session on Invitation for Expression of Interest for Development of Tourism Node at Kai Tak
Blogs2015-10-04The New Hotspot in Town –Tourism Node at Kai Tak
Press Releases2015-09-29Expressions of interest invited for development of Tourism Node at Kai Tak
Speeches and Presentations2015-09-22Smart City Initiative in Kowloon East
Publication2015-07Stage 2 Public Engagement Digest for the Pedestrian Environment Improvement Scheme for Transformation of Kwun Tong Business Area
Blogs2015-03-15Industrial Culture Park & Energizing Hoi Bun Road - Green Operation
Speeches and Presentations2015-03-10Presentation by Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office at the symposium "Hong Kong-Barcelona Urban Exchange"
Speeches and Presentations2015-03-10Presentation by SDEV at the symposium "Hong Kong-Barcelona Urban Exchange"
Publication2015-01Conceptual Master Plan 4.0
Blogs2014-12-14Creating a Green CBD in Kowloon East
Speeches and Presentations2014-12-11Presentation by Deputy Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office on "Energizing Kowloon East – Transforming KE into a Green CBD"
Speeches and Presentations2014-12-11Welcome speech by PS(W) for the Joint Seminar "Creating a Green CBD in Kowloon East"
EKEO Activities2014-12-11Joint Seminar "Creating a Green CBD in Kowloon East"
Blogs2014-11-16Kai Tak Fantasy Lift-Off
Speeches and Presentations2014-11-14Remark by Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office at the Kai Tak Fantasy Award Ceremony
Speeches and Presentations2014-11-14Speech by SDEV at the Kai Tak Fantasy Award Ceremony
Press Releases2014-11-14Winner of Kai Tak Fantasy International Ideas Competition on Urban Planning and Design announced
Publication2014-11Stage 1 Public Engagement Digest for the Pedestrian Environment Improvement Scheme for Transformation of Kwun Tong Business Area
Award Winning Projects2014-11Exhibition Pavilion, Tsun Yip Street Playground Phase 1 won Jury’s Special Mention – Special Architectural Award – Urban Design of HKIA Annual Awards 2014
Award Winning Projects2014-11Energizing Kowloon East Office won Green Building Award 2014 - Merit
Award Winning Projects2014-11Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Building selected as Green Building Award 2014 Finalist
Award Winning Projects2014-11Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Building won HKILA Design Award 2014 Merit
Award Winning Projects2014-11Kwun Tong Swimming Pool Complex won Design for Asia Awards 2014 - Merit
Award Winning Projects2014-11Trade and Industry Tower won Green Building Award 2014 Grand Award
Speeches and Presentations2014-09-11The Spirit of Creation - Study on Industrial Culture of Kowloon East
Publication2014-09Advocacy Statement of "The Spirit of Creation - Study on Industrial Culture of Kowloon East"
Publication2014-09Pamphlet of "The Spirit of Creation – Study on Industrial Culture of Kowloon East"
Speeches and Presentations2014-08-26Towards a pedestrian-oriented environment in Kowloon East–relevance to our new town development
Blogs2014-08-03Energizing Spaces Underneath Flyovers
Blogs2014-06-15A Place For You
Press Releases2014-06-05Roving exhibition for Kai Tak Fantasy International Ideas Competition shortlisted submissions begins
Blogs2014-06-01"Walkable" Kowloon East
Press Releases2014-05-26Stage 3 public engagement for "Kowloon Bay Business Area Pedestrian Environment Improvement - Feasibility Study" launched
Publication2014-05Stage 3 Public Engagement Digest for the Kowloon Bay Business Area Pedestrian Environment Improvement Feasibility Study
Promotional Videos2014-03-01'Place Making | Energizing Kowloon East' Video
Speeches and Presentations2014-02-22Presentation by Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office at the symposium "Hong Kong-Barcelona Urban Exchange - A Dual Approach to Waterfront Regeneration"
Speeches and Presentations2014-02-22SDEV's Speech at the symposium "Hong Kong-Barcelona Urban Exchange - A Dual Approach to Waterfront Regeneration"
Blogs2013-12-15Public Engagement on Kai Tak Fantasy
Speeches and Presentations2013-11-28SDEV’s speech at launch ceremony of Kai Tak Fantasy International Ideas Competition on Urban Planning and Design
Press Releases2013-11-28Kai Tak Fantasy International Ideas Competition on Urban Planning and Design launched
Publication2013-11Stage 2 Public Engagement Digest for the Kowloon Bay Business Area Pedestrian Environment Improvement Feasibility Study
Award Winning Projects2013-11Kwun Tong Swimming Pool Complex won Perspective Awards 2013
Blogs2013-08-18Changes in Kowloon East
Publication2013-08Kowloon East Cultural Map
Press Releases2013-06-20Public engagement on Kai Tak Fantasy competition commences
Publication2013-6-8Stage 1 Public Engagement Digest for the Kowloon Bay Business Area Pedestrian Environment Improvement Feasibility Study
Publication2013-06Conceptual Master Plan 3.0
Speeches and Presentations2013-05-18Speech by SDEV at the Opening Ceremony of 13th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition - Hong Kong Response Exhibition
Speeches and Presentations2013-05-07Welcome Speech by PS(W) for the Conference on "Walkable City, Living Street"
EKEO Activities2013-05-07Conference on "Walkable City, Living Street"
EKEO Activities2013-03-23Experiencing Public Space
EKEO Activities2013-03-07 to 2013-03-21WeOwnTheCity
Press Releases2013-03-01"Sharing Memoirs and Extending Legacy in Transforming Kowloon East" public engagement campaign launched
EKEO Activities2013-02 to 2013-0613th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition - Hong Kong Response Exhibition
Press Releases2013-01-20"Flyover the Flyover01" opens to public
Press Releases2013-01-10"Playful Thursday @ Tsun Yip Street - Veggie | Arts Jamboree" concludes
Speeches and Presentations2012-11-09Speech by SDEV at MIPIM Asia Luncheon
Speeches and Presentations2012-11-07Speech by CE at opening ceremony of MIPIM Asia 2012
Press Releases2012-11-07CE officiates at opening ceremony of MIPIM Asia 2012
EKEO Activities2012-11-07 to 2012-11-09MIPIM Asia 2012
Press Releases2012-11-06Transcript of SDEV's media session (Chinese Only)
Press Releases2012-11-06Flyover space to become arts venue
Press Releases2012-11-02Jamboree transforms Kwun Tong
EKEO Activities2012-11-02Creative Ecologies+ Exhibition
Award Winning Projects2012-11CIC-Zero Carbon Park won Green Building Award 2012
Speeches and Presentations2012-10-25CS speaks at the launching ceremony of "Playful Thursday @ Tsun Yip Street - Veggie | Arts Jamboree"
Press Releases2012-10-25"Playful Thursday @ Tsun Yip Street - Veggie | Arts Jamboree" launched
EKEO Activities2012-10-25Playful Thursday @ Tsun Yip Street – Veggie | Arts Jamboree
Speeches and Presentations2012-10-16SDEV's opening speech at "Place Making Forum - Experience Sharing on Business Improvement Areas"
Press Releases2012-10-16Overseas and local experts share experiences in "Place Making Forum"
Press Releases2012-09-25Staging "Energizing Kowloon East" at international exhibition
Press Releases2012-07-17Harbourfront development experiences shared in seminar co-organised by Development Bureau and Barcelona
EKEO Activities2012-07-17Seminar on Barcelona Experience
Speeches and Presentations2012-06-07SDEV speaks at inauguration of Energizing Kowloon East Office (Chinese Only)
Press Releases2012-06-07Transformation of Kowloon East in full swing with inception of Energizing Kowloon East Office
Publication2012-06Conceptual Master Plan 2.0
Speeches and Presentations2012-05-14PowerPoint Presentation by SDEV at the function organized by the Hong Kong Professionals-and-Senior Executives Association (Chinese Only)
Speeches and Presentations2012-04-27PowerPoint Presentation by SDEV at the Annual Dinner of the Business Enterprise Management Centre of Hong Kong Management Association (Chinese Only)
Speeches and Presentations2011-12-19PowerPoint Presentation by SDEV in Dev Panel (Chinese Only)
Speeches and Presentations2011-12-15SDEV's opening remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Capitalizing on the opportunity presented by the building of a cruise terminal to develop Kowloon East into a business and tourism district" (Chinese Only)
Speeches and Presentations2011-12-15SDEV's closing remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Capitalizing on the opportunity presented by the building of a cruise terminal to develop Kowloon East into a business and tourism district" (Chinese Only)
Award Winning Projects2011-11Kwun Tong Promenade Stage 1 won President's Prize of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects Annual Awards 2011
Speeches and Presentations2011-10-27SDEV's speech on Motion of Thanks in respect of Chief Executive's Policy Address (Debate Session 1) (Chinese Only)
Speeches and Presentations2011-10-13Remarks of the SDEV, Mrs Carrie Lam, at the press conference on the development of Kowloon East (Chinese Only)
Publication2011-10Conceptual Master Plan 1.0